Following an invitation by the director of the Göttingen International Handel Festival, Mr Tobias Wolff, and the Göttingen Handel Society, namely Ms Sigrid Jacobi, deputy chairperson, a group of Handel friends from Halle visited Göttingen from 18 to 20 May 2019 to take part in a meeting of the Handel societies from Karlsruhe, Göttingen and Halle and to attend concerts and the opera. Together with the Göttingen representatives, Mr. Wolff and Ms. Jacobi, as well as Prof. Dr. Peter Overbeck, Chairman of the Karlsruhe Handel Society, and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschmann, President of the International Handel Society in Halle, we wandered through the half-timbered city of Hann. Münden, admired beautiful houses and interesting details, heard stories about the legendary Doctor Eisenbarth, and then confirmed our cultural connections in the Ratskeller. Our programme also included Handel’s oratorio Saul in the Church of St. Blasius in Hann. Münden, a performance of Concerti grossi op. 3 by the Akademie für Alte Musik in the Aula am Wilhelmsplatz in Göttingen and the opera Rodrigo in the Deutsches Theater. We had very nice experiences with wonderful music, interesting conversations and good contacts, many thanks to all who contributed!
Ulrike Harnisch
(office of the Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gesellschaft e. V.)