27th May to 17th July 2022 in the Oper Halle
A cooperation of the Händel-Festspiele Halle with the Hallescher Kunstverein e. V. and the Bühnen Halle.
Opening of the exhibition on 26th May 2022, 5 pm
Laudatio – Händelpreisträgerin Dr. Hanna John, Halle
„Dite, mie piante“. Cantata for soprano and basso continuo (HWV 107) – Händelpreisträgerin KS Romelia Lichtenstein – soprano – Bernhard Prokein, Händelfestspielorchester Halle – harpsichord
Dr. Judith Marquardt, Beigeordnete für Kultur und Sport of the City of Halle
Walter Sutcliffe, Intendant of the Halle Opera
Lutz Grumbach, acting 1st Chairman of the Hallescher Kunstverein e. V.
Guided visits:
1st June 2022, 3 pm, with curator Stefanie Wiesel, and 11th June 2022, 3 pm, with Bernd Leistner (further visits by arrangement with the guest office and during performances).
Handel Prize winner Bernd Leistner’s many years of work for stages in Germany and abroad and over more than 30 years as a stage and costume designer and set designer for Handel’s stage works at the Halle Opera began in 1971 at the then Landestheater Halle with the stage design for “Ariodante” for the 20th Handel Festival, which was followed by a large number of designs, drawings and models for the Halle Handel scene until 2001. In retirement, he continued to be artistically active in the free theatre scene and with collages, assemblages and graphic works. The exhibition presents a selection of his works until 2022.